Once-for-All tutorial

Once-for-All (OFA) [CGW+19] is only trained once, and we can quickly get specialized sub-networks from the OFA network without additional training. The OFA architecture provides one model but supports a large number of sub-networks (>10^19) that covers various hardware platforms. To efficiently train all the sub-networks, the progressive shrinking algorithm enforces the training order from large sub-networks to small sub-networks in a progressive manner.

We will show how to run OFA example on ImageNet.


The command line for each example can be found in ./jobs.sh

Progressive shrinking algorithm

In this example, we use MobileNetV3-Large [HSC+19] based backbone to train the full network. The full network includes sub-networks with different resolution, kenerl size, depth, and width expansion ratio. OFA’s progressive shrinking algorithm gradually increases the target sub-networks.


In NNablaNAS, progressive shrinking can be performed by running the training with different set of sub-networks in a progressive manner.

Here are the running scripts found in ./jobs.sh.

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_fullnet

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_kernel

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_depth_phase1

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_depth_phase2

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_expand_phase1

mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_expand_phase2

Each stage uses weights trained in the previous stage for initialization.

For example, the network configuration for elastic kernel stage looks like this:

        num_classes: 1000
        bn_param: [0.9, 1e-5]
        drop_rate: 0.1
        op_candidates: ["MB6 7x7", "MB6 5x5", "MB6 3x3"]
        depth_candidates: [4]
        weights: log/classification/ofa/imagenet/search/K7_E6_D4/weights.h5

You can also train CompOFA sub-networks that was produced in [SVKT21] by using the mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_comp_phase1 then mpirun -n 8 python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_search_comp_phase2. CompOFA simplifies the OFA model design space while maintaining Pareto optimaly; you can almost half the training time.

The example of network configuration for CompOFA looks like this:

        num_classes: 1000
        bn_param: [0.9, 1e-5]
        drop_rate: 0.1
        op_candidates: [
            "MB3 3x3", "MB3 5x5", "MB3 7x7",
            "MB4 3x3", "MB4 5x5", "MB4 7x7",
            "MB6 3x3", "MB6 5x5", "MB6 7x7"
        depth_candidates: [2, 3, 4]
        compound: true
        weights: ofa_sample_params/ofa-mbv3/R_K7_E6_D4_acc0.75968.h5

Train Configuration

Once the model is trained, you can fine-tune sub-networks to further improve their performance. Let’s have a look at the example python main.py experiment=classification/ofa/ofa_mbv3/imagenet_train_subnet --cfg job. Most of the configuration parameters are the same as for the search yaml file. The only new configuration parameter is:

genotype: [5, 2, 9, 9, 6, 4, 2, 1, 7, 7, 8, 9, 8, 3, 9, 9, 8, 4, 3, 1]

genotype is used to provide the architecture configuration for the sub-network you wish to fine-tune. This can be created by using the operater candidate indices(zero-based indexing). Index: length(op_candidates) (a.k.a. 9 in this case) means skip connection. For example, if your operater candidates are as follows:

op_candidates: [
        "MB3 3x3", "MB3 5x5", "MB3 7x7",
        "MB4 3x3", "MB4 5x5", "MB4 7x7",
        "MB6 3x3", "MB6 5x5", "MB6 7x7"

The above genotype means:

["MB4 7x7", "MB3 7x7", skip_connect, skip_connect, "MB6 3x3", ...]